How To

become an ISE instructor

A detailed guide to follow!

the basics

Quality of training

ISE does not offer any crossovers. It does not matter what you are or if you invented diving or how many cards you have. The only thing that counts is what you can do and your knowledge. Second, there is simply nothing out there that you can really compare. Sticking to this rule allowed us to not only hold, but increase the quality of training as well as the quality level of our instructors over the years. Seeking instructorship with ISE means that you start as a BoE-instructor. There is no "from zero to hero-program”.

A technical diver under water
  • You need to be at least ISE Explorer Level 1 certified. (one level above your teaching level)
  • Depending on a pre-valuation of an ISE IT (Instructor Trainer) you may want to take several "interns" where you assist an instructor and learn more about how to teach the program.
  • You apply for an ITC (instructor training course)
  • As you need two (2) signatures from two different evaluators (on IT and one IE at least) you may need an IE (instructor evaluation) after the ITC. In general we try to set the ITCs up in a way that there is an IE available during the ITC to help you cut down travel and cost.
  • If you have 2 signatures you get certified and can start to teach

Interns can be done with any instructor and should be free of charge (in fact you help the instructor) In the end it is an agreement between you and the instructor you pick for your interns.

The ITC is 1.500 Euro (excl. VAT) + travel and expense of the IT + actual cost of diving (gases, boats, etc.)

The IE is 500 Euro (excl. VAT) + travel and expense of the IE + actual cost of diving (gases, boats, etc.)

On top you should have the book "ISE – THE RECREATIONAL DIVER".

Who is available for Instructor Training:

Instructor Trainer
Achim Schlöffel ITC & IE
Alain Dobbelaere ITC & IE
Juan Naval ITC & IE
Joachen Grau ITC
Florian Symoens ITC

For further information please contact ISE Headquarter at any time ( This information is also available as a pdf on the ISE Website

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