Protect Our Natures´ Demands
Project P.O.N.D.
Protect Our Natures´ Demands
Environmental Protection is a beaten dog – a Phrase – in everyone’s mouth, in the focus of some and lived only by a few.
Well – what can the guy next door do to safe the planet? Donate cash? – buy a shirt from his favourite conservationist organisation. Yes – but how exciting is that?
How much can you influence a ten-year-old when you tell him about saving the whales and the oceans. Barely I would guess. But when you tell him about the little water where he walks along every day on his way home from school – when you make him curious, when you make him part of it. Then he will catch fire.
How close to reality is the guy on his couch when he watches the documentary about the saving of this reef on the other end of the world? Don’t get me wrong, he thinks it's cool – but he will never be part of it. Even if he wants to – how? Too far away, not enough time, money. The family, responsibilities. It’s a great TV show but it’s not within reach.. BUT: driving to this quarry where he already played when he was a kid and DO something with its OWN HANDS and earn some credits for it. THAT is within reach – that is COOL – because he CAN be PART of it.
Start small and grow big! That is the idea behind P.O.N.D. All of you know this one quarry or this one small pond near to the place you live. Maybe you took a bath there once as a kid – maybe you threw some stones in it some time when you were waiting for your date as a teen. Even being a diver you might never have thought about it as a habitat. What is in there? What fish, what amphibians? Is it clean or poisoned by trash thrown in carelessly?
FIND it out – Today!
Document it by film and photo. Take water samples and have them analysed, count the number of species.
Present your results! - to the owner - to the public.
Contribute it to the ISE Presentation pool of documents that are used to create awareness in schools, kindergartens, universities and other institutions where people are listening and can be motivated to be more careful with our natural resources.
This Program will spread out around the globe and encourage people all over the world to have a closer look on the gems that might be right in front of their door….
If you want to become a part of the P.O.N.D. Project – if you know a place that could be documented – If you want to present in your hometown, or if you simply want to help documenting.
Drop us a mail – we are looking forward to work with you!
ISE Headquarter is working on five different ponds / lakes at the moment and started its presentations in a school in Starnberg close to Munich. More details and results will be posted here as the projects progresses.