The crew

ISE Staff

The people behind the show!


ISE´s headquarter staff is responsible for the daily business and your contact for any questions.

Achim Schlöffel President
Alain Dobbelaere Vice President
Juan Naval Training Director
Mag. Markus Leitner Legal Affairs
Dr. Michael Thalhammer Medical Director
Chantal Del Avara Office Management
Timo Buhmann IT Operations

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is a curriculum that decides about the general direction of ISE and discusses all topics regarding training and standards, membership, etc.

Achim Schlöffel Instructor training and evaluation
Alain Dobbelaere Instructor training and evaluation
Juan Naval Instructor training and evaluation
Joachen Grau Instructor training and evaluation

Instructor Trainers

Instructor Trainers can set up Instructor classes and train future instructors.

Achim Schlöffel Technical
Alain Dobbelaere Technical
Juan Naval Technical
Joachen Grau Technical
Florian Symoens Recreational

Quality Control Board

ISE asks every student about his opinion about the class, the instructor and the organisation AND the director of QC reads em all!. in case of an issue the board comes together and decides what to do. By the way. Instructors can NOT read the QAs about their classes. they are only available for the Director of the QCB.

Achim Schlöffel Committee member
Mag. Markus Leitner Committee member
Dr. Michael Thalhammer Committee member
Dr. Christine Krollmann Committee member
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